About YC

About YC

Hi there! My name is Ying-Chu (YC). I created this website with a simple idea in mind: to share my experiences analyzing Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data. On this site, I'll share my knowledge of various tools and techniques for analyzing genetic data, such as Plink, genetics analysis tools, NGS-related analysis, and building PRS (Polygenic Risk Scores) using human genome analysis.

In addition to discussing these technical topics, I'll also share some personal stories and anecdotes about my life in the US, as well as anything else I find funny or interesting. I hope that my insights and experiences will be helpful to others interested in the field of genetic analysis and that you'll enjoy reading about my adventures along the way.

Tip: If any of the articles on this blog are helpful to you, please don't hesitate to leave a message to let me know! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. On the other hand, if you spot any errors or mistakes in the articles, please let me know as well so I can correct them. Thank you for your support and I hope you find the content on this blog useful!

建立這個部落的想法很簡單,從博士班開始才自學programming的我,深深的理解對於剛開始要學習生物資訊分析和寫程式的挫折感。於是,現在的自己雖然仍是個小小博士後,但對於次世代定序的分析已有些心得,所以想在部落格紀錄、分享我從以前至今所學習過的分析,會以分享Plink, Genetics analysis tools, NGS-related analysis 以及 Human genome analysis 分析為主。


How to contact YC?
Email: [email protected]